W���m� �� m� phņ pŧ�!
It may not turn out perfect at first but you'll figure it out!
Just go to privacy prefences on your buddy list and block your friends that are signed on from your buddy list, then IM them and and it shows up on there buddy list that you are not signed on.
Turning your IM's off and on!
To turn your IM's off just go to members and click on send message then type in "From:$im_off" and "Message:Strikerdms RULES!"and to block certain members type "To:$im_off screenname" and "Message:Strikerdms RULES!" and to turn them back on just type the same thing except type $IM_on
Purging your Cache!
If you wanna go through webpages faster then Purge your Cache! To do that you have to go to members, prefences, www, advanced, then purge your cache! BCC(Blind Carbon Copy)
In the "To:" box put ( ) around the screen name {exa.(FatBoy12}. If your sending an e-mail to a few people then the others can't see who you also wrote too. Here are some more PHAT pages and stuff!
Here are some very cool links for downloading: NEED TO CONTACT �AMERICAN ON LINE HERE IS THERE
1-888-265-8001 Product Information
1-888-265-8002 Orders
1-888-265-8003 Billing
1-888-265-8004 Screen Name/ Password
1-888-265-8005 Access Numbers
1-888-265-8006 Windows Tech queue
1-888-265-8007 Macintosh Tech queue
1-888-265-8008 Cancellation
1-888-265-8009 Credit Requests Here are some Windows Tips! Rebooting faster! After going to shut down, and putting the check next to restart
computer, Before clicking yes hold down shift button, and hold until you
see the words "Windows 95 is now restarting" Making a hidden file! Windows 95 allows you to make any file a hidden file, by right clicking
it and going to properties, and putting a check mark in the hidden box.
Once you do this, the only way to open the file would be by going to
START\RUN\ and then type the name of the file. No one can open the file
without knowing the exact name of the file. So make sure you name files
something you won't easily forget. Also you must include the complete
path to the file. For example, if the hidden file is in aol download,
and you named it secret, you would have to type "C:\aol\download\secret"
Codes! Now just follow the directions, to type a code letter you must push alt and the number code(the number code must be typed in from the number pad on the right of the keyboard.) � - ALT 0198 � - ALT 0167
� - ALT 0230 � - ALT 0138
� - ALT 0192 � - ALT 0154
� - ALT 0193 � - ALT 0134
� - ALT 0194 � - ALT 0135
� - ALT 0195 � - ALT 0217
� - ALT 0196 � - ALT 0218
� - ALT 0197 � - ALT 0219
� - ALT 0224 � - ALT 0220
� - ALT 0225 � - ALT 0249
� - ALT 0226 � - ALT 0250
� - ALT 0227 � - ALT 0251
� - ALT 0228 � - ALT 0252
� - ALT 0229 � - ALT 0221
� - ALT 0223 � - ALT 0253
� - ALT 0199 � - ALT 0255
� - ALT 0231 � - ALT 0165
� - ALT 0208 � - ALT 0161
� - ALT 0200 � - ALT 0191
� - ALT 0201 � - ALT 0149
� - ALT 0202 � - ALT 0153
� - ALT 0203 � - ALT 0164
� - ALT 0232 � - ALT 0182
� - ALT 0233 � - ALT 0169
� - ALT 0234 � - ALT 0174
� - ALT 0235 � - ALT 0188
� - ALT 0131 � - ALT 0189
� - ALT 0163 � - ALT 0190
� - ALT 0204 � - ALT 0177
� - ALT 0205 � - ALT 0162
� - ALT 0206 � - ALT 0247
� - ALT 0207 � - ALT 0216
� - ALT 0236 � - ALT 0248
� - ALT 0237 � - ALT 0222
� - ALT 0238 � - ALT 0254
� - ALT 0239 � - ALT 0171
� - ALT 0209 � - ALT 0187
� - ALT 0241
� - ALT 0140
� - ALT 0156
� - ALT 0210
� - ALT 0211
� - ALT 0212
� - ALT 0213
� - ALT 0214
� - ALT 0242
� - ALT 0243
� - ALT 0244
� - ALT 0245
� - ALT 0246
� - ALT 0240
Here are some other fun things to make:
(_8^(!) (Homer Simpson)
>^..^< (Cat)
c(_) (Coffee mug)
><)))*> (fish)
(Face peeking over ledge)
And of course, there are many variations of all these, and others I haven't put on.
Have fun with these symbols!! They're very useful if you want to use accents with languages such as French, Spanish, and others. Please send me some mail!!
Crawtim's Tip's & Trick's
MalekTips - Master Index Table of Contents
Jim Parish Computer Consultant
Page7X's Home Page
Extending Your Profile With a PC
ClipArtConnection.com - The Clip Art Connection
Midis All
Hecklers Toolbox
TVB Online Real Player Download Page
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